On 9 March 2012, the AMCA signed a Service Level Agreement (SLA) for BIM-MEPAUS Revit Software, Revit Design Content, and Revit Manufacturer’s content. Essentially, the licensees (KarelCAD and TSI) shall develop computer software, web-enabled applications and construction industry data conforming with the standards for the delivery of BIM solutions to end users. The SLA places significant commitments and forms a performance contract requirement on the licensees.
There are a series of key performance indicators with associated performance benchmarks with clear timeframes and review processes (varying from monthly, quarterly and annually depending upon specific activity) for software and design content, manufacturer’s content, training and implementation, and support.
In summary, the following requirements sought after include:
- ability to develop software and services to best of breed quality providing the basis for designer adoption;
- business development capacity;
- delivery of professional training and implementation services; and
- ability to set pricing structures which provide commercial viability and market adoption within the timeframes to meet AMCA market expectations.