Download – McGraw Hill Construction Report: The Business Value of BIM in Australia and New Zealand

View the McGraw Hill Construction research report into the adoption and utilisation of BIM in Australia and New Zealand.

In conjunction with the AMCA and other industry partners, McGraw Hill Construction has launched a research report into the adoption and utilisation of building information modelling in Australia and New Zealand.

To highlight the importance of the report, the AMCA will be hosting an event on 27 March 2014 at the Victorian Arts Centre. Mr Steve Jones, Senior Director, McGraw Hill Construction will be the keynote of the event. Mr Jones presented at the BIM-MEPAUS Construction Innovation 2013 Forum.

The Business Value of BIM in Australia and New Zealand, seeks to address some of the key informational gaps currently inhibiting BIM adoption.

Contractors’ reported a high proficiency in use, particularly mechanical contractors’ in Australia and NZ. Demonstrated benefits attributed to prefabrication and the BIM-MEPAUS initiative were highlighted.