A Beginner’s guide to the business of BIM and BIM-MEPAUS

What is Building Information Modelling (BIM) and how is it relevant to me?  This is a question on many lips in today’s building and construction sector.  The AMCA in collaboration with KarelCAD has developed “a beginner’s guide to the business of BIM and BIM-MEPAUS” with the intention to answer that exact question.

This online course will not answer all the questions relating to BIM adoption strategy but it will at least, guide participants towards knowing what questions they need to ask when discussing BIM.

The goal of this online course is to raise awareness of BIM at an introductory level. The Course outline is available here

With this in mind, the course is intended to provide a general overview of BIM for the building and construction industry. The course is not intended to compete with various BIM 101 courses currently on offer within the industry.  However, it is structured to complement a range of training approaches on offer and potentially form part of a future career pathway including certification processes as part of the BIM-MEPAUS initiative.

Bookings can be made online here