2010 BIM-MEPAUS Roadmap Accelerates the BIM Standardisation Agenda



9 August 2017

2010 BIM-MEPAUS Roadmap Accelerates the BIM Standardisation Agenda  

In June 2010, the BIM-MEPAUS initiative commenced with a discussion paper tabled at the AMCA National Council. The author – Mr Warwick Stannus and two industry stalwarts AMCA National President Mark Lowe and AMCA South Australian President Albert Watson championed the project. The gentlemen visited the USA shortly after the National Council approved the proposed approach to undertake a closer examination of how the Australian industry should proceed. Concurrent, to the study tour a whole of industry steering committee was established. This steering committee included some of the leading Australian thought leaders from architecture, consulting engineering, head contracting, sub-contracting, software vendors and equipment manufacturers. Many of the steering committee members remain engaged in the initiative which is a real testament to the level of collaboration within the Australian market place.

The inaugural forum was delivered in November 2010 and set an industry roadmap. As we approach our eighth Construction Innovation Forum, Warwick paid tribute to the initiative. “It has been a challenging, yet exciting journey. If we take time out to consider the impact of the initiative, I think we can be proud of what we have achieved for the  Australian construction and asset management sectors. When we first approached members of our Steering Committee I re-iterated that we were not trying to redefine or take control of the workflow, we were trying to recognise and leverage the skills and contributions of each project participant and drive greater efficiencies by improving accuracy of data and information flow through the project delivery life cycle.” 

Since 2010, Warwick has been Technical Director of the BIM-MEPAUS initiative, and has been pivotal in the development of industry standards, practices and workflows. With a background in both the consulting and contracting sides of the construction industry, Warwick demonstrated a strong understanding of the requirements to successfully implement integrated project delivery strategies. As a former lead consultant with Lincolne Scott (now WSP), Warwick understood the importance of engaging with the consulting engineering fraternity early in 2010. “It all starts with design, and for us to develop a successful initiative it was critical that our approach leveraged the consultant’s design model into , construction and ultimately life cycle asset management activities.” In supporting the workflow, it was equally important that the consulting sectors MEP BIM software of choice align with the fabrication standards and software used by the specialist trades. . “At the time in 2010, as an industry we could not take a design model into the fabrication process, Autodesk supported our strategy and made key acquisitions that have enabled our initiative to deliver upon a number of its primary objectives.”

Warwick also played a significant role in shaping the annual construction innovation forum. “Our forums have  brought some the best international thought leaders in design, construction and asset management to Australia helping to drive significant innovation within the construction Industry since 2010. I will never forget in 2012 when Dr Alasdair McDonald from Balfour Beatty presented. Dr McDonald stressed that BIM was the platform for construction innovation and that has certainly stuck. The digitisation of design and construction is continuing at an increased pace and BIM-MEPAUS plays a key role in providing the cornerstone standards to enable this industry transformation to progress.

This year Warwick, will deliver a keynote address on the recent developments across the initiative as well as providing insights into some of the broader industry benefits that have been derived from the initiative related to industry standardisation and integrated D&C project delivery. Warwick will also provide insights into  the technical agenda heading beyond 2017.

Warwick will be joined at the forum by thought leaders and practitioners from across the supply chain, each providing unique insight into how leading firms such as Aconex, Leica, Bryden Wood, Turner, McKinstry, Woods Baggot, COWI and Autodesk are utilising technological advancements to deliver innovative best practice solutions in the building and construction industry.

This year’s forum returns to the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre – 14-15 September.

Tickets are now available at www.bimmepaus.com.au



Shannon Thomas





Sumit Oberoi





+61 3 8831 2800
